Switching off!


its currently 2.17am in the morning and I have been home from work for a couple of hours now, after finishing a very smooth service, creating a nice fish dish involving spherification of soy sauce for a teriyaki salmon special, having a well deserved unwinding pint with my best friend, also a chef, and sharing the trials and challenges of our days. I’m having one of those all too familiar “cant switch off” moments.

Perhaps it’s the new grouse dish with smoking concept flying round in my head, it’s not the service, that was a smooth as it comes with a full restaurant, as usual, of satisfied and complimentary guests, or maybe it’s the three back to back episodes of Gordon Ramsays boiling point I have just watched for what seems like the 8 millionth time. Maybe the imminent hustle of a hospitality weekend a few hours away, either way and for whatever reason I have food on the mind, and not through hunger. Creativity and inspiration is ripe and it won’t let me sleep.

Unfortunately this situation is not unfamiliar to me, or any other chef that takes their profession and career seriously, and I’m very close to picking up my copy of “the French Laundry” or “Murgaritz” for a small browse but I know this will not aid my dilemma, only feed my enthusiasm further, so what do I do? I have completely updated myself on all things “twitter” and have concluded in finishing this, I’m either going to have a beer and watch some un-creative television, or count sheep! The beer wins.

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